My World (Feminine Style)

Thoughts about love, liberty, disco

Assignment… Just another thing to do! March 14, 2011

Filed under: Women — katiereich @ 3:23 pm
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Below are the questions that I have asked and will discuss with the staff and elder wives in a week about the book, Shopping for Time. Even if you have not read the book the questions will, or at least should, make sense.

Chapter 2: The First Tip: Rise Early

“Does your daily schedule reflect your priorities: seeking God at the outset of the day, romancing your husband, and serving your family?”

What value system do you use to decide how you use your time?

Chapter 3: The Second Tip: Sit Still

“To what degree are you actually seeking God? And What would growth in time spent with God actually look like?

Are you substituting time with God for service for God in any area of your life.


I wanted to take a slight detour as we continue to read and discuss the book… to look at our identity as co-heirs with Christ. I think that many of us tend to struggle pretty deeply with who we are in Christ, or what/who we are called to be. And this deeply affects how we respond to God. Please participate in the next exercise, we will be discussing it next Friday.


“Comments Oswald Sanders,

What a fascinating picture of Christian living this vivid picture portrays: nobility, charm, authority, wealth, freedom. Our God invites us to believe that these spiritual qualities and prerogatives may and should be enjoyed by every child of the King of Kings. If we do not manifest and enjoy them, it is not because they are beyond our reach, but only because we are living below our privileges.” Taken from Disciplines of the heart by Anne Ortlund, quoted from Spiritual Maturity.


Consider as yours, right now, the qualities Oswald Sanders says every child of the King should enjoy. Write beside each one how they relate to Christ’s own characteristics. Thank Him for each of these qualities and ask Him to live them out to the fullest in your life:

1. Nobility         2. Charm           3. Authority       4. Wealth          5. Freedom


Does your response to these line up with how you see/live your life in these areas?

What do you think?



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