My World (Feminine Style)

Thoughts about love, liberty, disco

Info about the Former Homecoming Queen June 27, 2009

A picture of Me!

A picture of Me!

I just wanted to see how many people would ask me if I was actually a Homecoming Queen… the answer to that is a big fat NO! Though I was one of a few dozen valedictorians, if only life could be graded on a curve :).

I come from a large blended family, 12 kids, and am part of an ever expanding family of my own now. I have an awesome husband, Josh, who has always given me more grace and patience than I deserve. We were married in 2002 and currently have 9 years of marriage under our belt. Josh is a lead pastor at Revolution Church in Tucson, AZ; we love life and ministry here.

Our three kids always keep us on our toes! Ava, Gavin and Ashton are precious and sweet, but at the same time loud and rambunctious. They are always into something and testing limits, but that is what keeps parenting interesting and exciting. Weare in the middle of adopting our fourth child from Ethiopia, you can follow that process here.

My world revolves around my God, my home and my family and that is what this blog is about. You will get a bird’s eye view into what God is teaching me and how that is impacting my life. Enjoy!


3 Responses to “Info about the Former Homecoming Queen”

  1. Star Forbis Says:

    Hi, I saw your post from Clutch. I am a Pastors wife in the Phoenix area. (Gilbert to be exact) My husband is a Worship Pastor, we’ve been married over 20 years and have 4 kids.

    Let me know if you plan a get together. No guarantees I could make it down there, but you never know. 🙂

  2. Lex Says:

    Wow, I’m FINALLY posting on your blog…could I be any more of a procrastinator? I think not!. I like the site, though, and I appreciate the fact that you take the time & energy to write it. Especially considering those are 2 very limited resources in a parent’s asenal:).
    Hugs & blessings, my lovely sister.

  3. Kristina Says:


    I just wanted to thank you for blogging so honestly. I am a 20-something single Christian minister in Texas who is currently in a serious relationship that looks to be heading towards marriage and as such I am starting to think more seriously about family life and raising children. Your blog is a window into some of these things and I appreciate it.

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